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Damp is the word that puts fear into the heart of every Caravan or Motorhome owner. Known for years as the killer of so many loved vehicles we are pleased to say that we have an excellent track record of keeping damp at bay and rectifying the causes of ingress into your beloved Caravan.

At the first signs of damp we’d strongly recommend getting in touch because the earlier that it’s dealt with the lesser the consequences. When the issues are left to fester is when damage is really caused.

If you call LG Caravan Servicing early enough we can come and assess the situation and advise on the best course of action. It could be that a simple external repair may be enough to stop any problems developing further. Regardless of the requirements you can be sure that we will offer you the most appropriate and affordable solution available, all at a time and place convenient to you.

If you see water staining, soft patches or mould anywhere inside your Caravan or Motorhome we suggest you give us a call.

The key is speed and an experienced hand, something we can help with here at LG Caravan. Damp can be caused by tiny cracks, panels coming away, sealant that is past its best, awning rails or many other things, but the good news is that most of them can be solved relatively quickly and without someone telling you your caravan is a write-off.